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The Importance of eating a vegetable
There are some benefits of vegetables that we need to know. Because the taste is not good, many people avoid eating vegetables. but there are some benefits of vegetables that we need to know.
Vegetables prevent unwanted signs of aging and keep skin young and supple thanks to phytonutrients, vitamin C and high water content. Choose brightly colored red and orange vegetables and you’ll get an added boost of beta carotene, which can give you a healthy glow as it protects skin from sun damage. Similarly, lycopene, found in red vegetables such as tomatoes, also has been shown to act as a natural sunscreen.
Meanwhile, nutrients like magnesium and vitamin C are quickly depleted during stressful times. Luckily, many vegetables contain these very nutrients, as well as tension-reducing omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins that fight anxiety and depression.
Some vegetables also have these same nutrients in addition to bone-building vitamin K, magnesium, potassium and prebiotic fiber. Eat strong-spined, dark leafy greens like collard greens, turnip greens, kale, spinach (cooked for more calcium!), broccoli and green peas for calcium and vitamin K. Mushrooms contain vitamin D while asparagus, chard, kale, artichokes, onions, garlic and leeks are full of prebiotic fiber.
Vegetables have many benefits for us. Therefore we have to eat various kinds of vegetables because vegetables have various benefits that are very beneficial for our body. so if we eat lots of vegetables the result is that we have a healthy body.
